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What is NGINX Caching?

NGINX Caching

Basic Concepts

  • Cache Hit: When a requested resource is found in the cache, NGINX serves it directly, reducing the need to contact the backend server.
  • Cache Miss: When a requested resource is not found in the cache, NGINX fetches it from the backend server, stores a copy in the cache, and then serves it to the client.
  • NGINX uses a cache key to uniquely identify cached items. By default, this key is composed of elements such as the request URL, query string, and host header.


Configuring NGINX caching involves several directives that define how and where caching is implemented.

1. Defining the Cache Zone:

  • The proxy_cache_path directive is used to define a cache zone, which specifies the location, size, and parameters of the cache.
nginxCopy codeproxy_cache_path /path/to/cache levels=1:2 keys_zone=my_cache:10m max_size=10g inactive=60m use_temp_path=off;
  • levels defines the directory structure.
  • keys_zone specifies the name and size of the cache zone.
  • max_size sets the maximum size of the cache.
  • inactive sets the time an item stays in the cache without being accessed.
  • use_temp_path controls whether to use a temporary path for cache files.

2. Enabling Caching:

  • The proxy_cache directive is used within a server or location block to enable caching.
nginxCopy codeserver {
    location / {
        proxy_cache my_cache;
        proxy_pass http://backend;

3. Cache Key:

  • The proxy_cache_key directive

allows customization of the cache key, which can be useful for more complex caching strategies.

nginxCopy codeproxy_cache_key "$scheme$proxy_host$request_uri";

4. Cache Validity:

  • The proxy_cache_valid directive sets the time for which different response codes are cached.
nginxCopy codeproxy_cache_valid 200 302 10m;
proxy_cache_valid 404 1m;

5. Bypassing the Cache:

  • The proxy_cache_bypass directive can be used to bypass the cache under specific conditions.
nginxCopy codeproxy_cache_bypass $cookie_nocache $arg_nocache$http_pragma$http_authorization;

6. Cache Purging:

  • The proxy_cache_purge directive enables purging of cached items.
nginxCopy codelocation /purge/ {
    proxy_cache_purge my_cache "$scheme$request_method$request_uri";

Cache Operation

1. Receiving a Request:

  • When NGINX receives a request, it first checks if the requested resource is present in the cache. This is done using the cache key.

2. Cache Hit:

  • If a cache entry matches the request, NGINX serves the cached content directly to the client. This greatly reduces the time needed to fulfill the request, as it avoids contacting the backend server.

3. Cache Miss:

  • If the requested resource is not in the cache, NGINX forwards the request to the backend server.
  • The backend server processes the request and sends the response back to NGINX.
  • NGINX stores a copy of this response in the cache and then serves the response to the client.

4. Storing the Response:

  • Responses are stored in the cache according to the rules defined in the configuration. The cache path structure, cache key, and validity periods are all considered.

5. Serving Subsequent Requests:

  • For subsequent requests, NGINX checks the cache first. If the content is found (cache hit), it is served from the cache. If not (cache miss), the process repeats.

Cache Management

Effective cache management is crucial for maintaining optimal performance. NGINX provides several directives and mechanisms to manage the cache.

1. Cache Expiration:

  • Cached items expire based on the proxy_cache_valid settings. After expiration, they are considered stale and can be removed or refreshed.

2. Inactive Cache Entries:

  • The inactive parameter in proxy_cache_path defines the period an item can remain in the cache without being accessed. After this period, it can be removed.

3. Cache Purging:

  • Purging allows for manual removal of specific cached items. This can be done using the proxy_cache_purge directive. Purging is useful when content needs to be updated immediately.

4. Cache Invalidation:

  • Cache invalidation involves marking cached content as stale, prompting a refresh from the backend server. This can be triggered by various conditions, such as content updates or specific cache-control headers.

Benefits of NGINX Caching

NGINX caching provides numerous benefits that enhance web application performance and user experience.

1. Reduced Server Load:

  • By serving content from the cache, NGINX reduces the number of requests that reach the backend servers. This decreases server load and frees up resources for other tasks.

2. Faster Response Times:

  • Serving cached content is much faster than generating content dynamically. This leads to quicker response times and a better user experience.

3. Improved Scalability:

  • Caching allows web applications to handle more traffic without additional backend resources. This improves scalability and ensures consistent performance during traffic spikes.

4. Cost Efficiency:

  • Reducing the load on backend servers can lead to cost savings, particularly in cloud environments where resources are billed based on usage.

5. Enhanced User Experience:

  • Faster response times and consistent performance enhance the overall user experience, leading to higher satisfaction and retention rates.

Advanced Caching Techniques

1. Conditional Caching:

  • NGINX allows for conditional caching based on various request parameters. This enables more granular control over what gets cached.
nginxCopy codeset $no_cache 0;
if ($request_uri ~* "/admin") {
    set $no_cache 1;
proxy_cache_bypass $no_cache;
proxy_no_cache $no_cache;

2. Cache-Control Headers:

  • Cache-control headers can be used to influence caching behavior. Headers like Cache-Control, Expires, and Pragma are respected by NGINX.
nginxCopy codeadd_header Cache-Control "public, max-age=3600";

3. Content-Specific Caching:

  • Different types of content can have different caching rules. Static content like images and stylesheets can be cached for longer periods than dynamic content.
nginxCopy codelocation ~* \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|ico|css|js)$ {
    expires 30d;
    add_header Cache-Control "public, no-transform";
    access_log off;

4. Caching Dynamic Content:

  • NGINX can cache dynamic content generated by backend servers. This is useful for improving performance of dynamic web applications.

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Monitoring and troubleshooting are essential to ensure the cache operates effectively.

1. Logging:

  • NGINX logs can provide valuable insights into cache performance and behavior. Access logs and error logs should be monitored regularly.

2. Cache Status:

  • The $upstream_cache_status variable can be used to log cache status, indicating whether a request was a cache hit, miss, or bypass.
nginxCopy codeset $upstream_cache_status $upstream_cache_status;

3. Cache Inspection:

  • Tools like nginx-cache-purge and other third-party utilities can be used to inspect and manage the cache.

4. Performance Metrics:

  • Monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana can be used to track performance metrics related to caching, such as hit rates, response times, and backend load.


NGINX caching is a powerful feature that can significantly improve the performance, scalability, and cost-efficiency of web applications. By storing copies of frequently requested content, NGINX reduces the load on backend servers and speeds up response times for users. Proper configuration and management of the cache are essential to maximize these benefits. With advanced techniques and monitoring, NGINX caching can be tailored to meet the specific needs of any web application, ensuring optimal performance and user satisfaction.